Friday, October 11, 2013

my apologies to you, autumn

Autumn, I would like to apologize for not recognizing that you had arrived until now.  What a horrible, awful, inconsiderate host am I for not acknowledging you for the first three weeks you've even been in town!  I'm sure you must hate me and if so I completely understand, I would too in your position.

It's not like I had no idea you were here.  I mean, the signs were everywhere.  I would wake up in the morning and you had left some of your clothes right there on the floor by the couch, I found myself washing towels more often, and the milk in the fridge was half empty the day after I bought it!  The air conditioning isn't running half as much anymore and the mornings outside are wonderful.  So, don't think it was like I didn't notice or anything.  Oh I noticed!  And even if it wasn't so obvious-with your cool mornings and the thin layer of moisture, little teeny tiny beads of water droplets that haven't fallen from the sky but drifted ever so gently through the night air, while I slept and fought off the alarm clock, and then decided to make its eternal resting place on the hood, the roof, and window, and bed of my truck-be well aware that Starbucks sure made it known with the early arrival of another seasonal guest (one, I must admit, that isn't so kind and quiet as yourself) the PUMPKIN SPICED LATTE a.k.a. hashtag PSL.  #PSL came early this year in case you or I or my twitter account, or both my emails, and even my old school mailbox didn't know it is EARLY THIS YEAR.  #PSL!  YUMMY FALL GOODNESS!STARBUCKS! #PSL! enough...


I know that even though you haven't said anything you still must be feeling a little sore over how my feelings have changed over the years about Summer.  You've got to realize, though, that Summer is one charmer of a season.  When she comes over it's all sunshine and snowcones and splashing in the pool and no school and the Fourth of July!  Come on now, you've got to give her that, she brings the Fourth of July!  My point is that Summer offers all these awesome things and I just get all caught up in the middle of it all.  Grant it, Summer quite often wears out her welcome, especially in Texas when it doesn't rain for days on end and the over 100 degree temperatures is sure to kill every green thing that comes out of the ground, but still you have to admit she's a pretty fun season to hang out with.  Please realize this: everyone is always so grateful to see you when you do arrive because we know that means you are about to usher Summer right out the door and the time has come to slow down a bit-stop with the Summer vacations, stop with the pool parties, it's time to slow back down to a normal pace.  Hey, the fact that you bring in the new school year is celebration enough that you, over all of the seasons should be proud.  Don't think I don't realize that school starts up again when you arrive, which means I don't have to find ways to entertain my children twenty four hours a day, seven days a week.  I mean, that's why we invented Summer camp, but don't worry, Summer's camp isn't half as great as your School is.  Yes.  School in the Fall is a blessing unto itself and if you did this single thing alone every parent across the globe are forever indebted to you, my dear.

Pardon my forgetting, but what do you take in your coffee again?

Where was I-oh, your being the start of school.  Yes, you know all of us parents are forever grateful for you bringing the start of school, but you-a season of such character-you could have just brought school and left the rest for Old Man Winter to take care of, but no you go above and beyond.  You turn the trees into beautiful warm colors, Halloween and Thanksgiving come during your visit and both holidays-in their unique ways-have a lot to do with eating too much food and you know how much we all like to eat too much food!  Ah, yes, Autumn, it is a treat that you are home now.  I am so sorry I didn't say hello earlier.  What do you say to sitting outside with me around the fire pit?  It is perfect weather for it!

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